Tresviso Caves Project

Tresviso Caves Project Gazetter

T82: Karen


Area:Vegas de Andara
East, North:361257, 4785315 (nearby)
Coordinate Quality:GPS
Long, Lat:-4.7079455537344, 43.2078435112 (map)
Elevation (m):1880
Length (m):0
Depth (m):-30
System:Sistema Sara
Active Lead:
Survey Available:


From the 'long cabana' follow the track down to the east and after 20m turn south onto the flat spoil area. Continue for 30m towards the obvious rift in the low ridge. The entrance lies half way up the ridge approximately 8m from T79.


A 2m diameter circular mined hole in the steep rock face.


The caves upper entrance is a large, obvious, circular hole in a rift.Karen has a 6 metre entrance pitch behind which there is a lower, but rather inaccessible second entrance.
A short climb leads immediately to the second, 10 m pitch. Daylight enters through a hole visible from halfway down the pitch. The pitch brings us into a large chamber and a few metres of sloping floor lead to the third pitch, 6 metres long.

The floor at the bottom of the pitch is very loose rubble. Going right here, leads to extensive, but unsurveyed passage (this leads back to T79 (easiest way in)

To the left downward sloping passage leads to a crawl through a low but wide chamber, with a loose floor. Thenceforth we come to easy walking passage which has obviously been mined. There is a very high ceiling and high level passages lead off on either side. A three metre climb is followed by more walking passage and a squeeze through some collapsed mine props- leads to the first pitch in Sara.

Alternative route (prior to mined passage?) gives access to Sara 3 and a 34m pitch directly onto the Heinous Shaft in Sara proper. A further P70 and P125 drops to boulder floor at bottom of shaft. For rest of description from here see Sara entry.


L.U.S.S. (1979) A.D.KAMI. (1996) Memorias Beges 1996


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