Tresviso Caves Project

Tresviso Caves Project Gazetter

PO-44: Torca de la Cotinosa

East, North:358206, 4792433 (nearby)
Coordinate Quality:GPS
Long, Lat:-4.7473172156902, 43.271343390703 (map)
Elevation (m):1175
Length (m):23
Depth (m):-18
Active Lead:
Survey Available:


Located and explored in the 2018 campaign, the Torco de la Cotiņosa is located -as its name indicates- in the Jou de la Cotiņosa, above, and in the same vertical as the Cueva de la Cotiņosa (PO-32).


No description currently available


Given the proximity of the two cavities, the shepherds believed that the two cavities communicated with each other. Although its mouth is about 6 m long by 1 m wide, the cavity is not easily located since the lapiaz where it develops is covered with abundant vegetation.

A first well of 12 m, which in its final part loses verticality, places us on a small platform, behind which appears a well of 4 m. After this small vertical, the final section of the torque is reached at a depth of -18 m. The cavity has a strong erosion throughout its course, with large grooves and sharp slabs. As we can see the connection with the PO-32 is not feasible, checking that both cavities develop in parallel fractures.

The Torca de la Cotinosa reaches a depth of -18 m, and a development of 23 m. Scan completed.


Club d'Espeleologia l'Avern,2018


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