Tresviso Caves Project

Tresviso Caves Project Gazetter


Area:Mazarrasa Mines
East, North:360909, 4785308 (nearby)
Coordinate Quality:Map (yellow map)
Long, Lat:-4.7122258460567, 43.207716480187 (map)
Elevation (m):1850
Length (m):0
Depth (m):0
Active Lead:
Survey Available:


Just below the crest of the ridge separating the track from the Caseton de Andara to the �Long Cabanas� and the valley with T110 cut into it. It is 15m east of the track.

Alternate route from Caseton de Andara: From the refugio take the path to the Lake Depression (Pozo de Andara), at the obvious red pond (on LHS) take the track directly south and head up and over to the Long Cabana and the Sara Depression (Vegas de Andara)


2 entrances. Lower entrance is a large square adit (3m x 2m) set into the bottom of the hillside close to T??? Top entrance is a P11 in a 2m x 4m rift. The entrance itself is not visible from trackbut the surrounding bare limestone is quite distinct


Adit to pitch is a large mined passage with water in the bottom for 10m. Passage continues for another 10m until a solid rock face is encountered. Side passage to the right ends, after a 3m climb, in a choke.




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