Tresviso Caves Project

Tresviso Caves Project Gazetter

S-3: Torcon del Hoyo Sin Tierra

(Diaclasa del Rendijon)

East, North:363080, 4785467 (nearby)
Coordinate Quality:GPS
Long, Lat:0, 0
Elevation (m):1963
Length (m):0
Depth (m):-134
Active Lead:
Survey Available:


From Vegas de Andara (Sara depression) the entrance is on the eastern slope of Samelar (2,227 m), not far from El Rendijon, 100 m deep.

The cave is located in the Hoyo Sin Tierra area, located at the head of the Vao de los Lobos valley, and below the peak of Canto de La Concha. It can be accessed from Las Vegas de Andara by skirting Pico Samelar to the south, or by going up the Vao de los Lobos valley.


20m x 20m entrance, occupied by snow, which can be navigated down to -134m


20m x 20m entrance onto large snowplug, circa -134m deep


A.D.KAMI (1994)
Interclub A.D.KAMI, Tracalet, GE FLASH(1997-1999)
Interclub Tracalet, GE FLASH(2023)


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