Tresviso Caves Project

Tresviso Caves Project Gazetter

KCG105: Cueva Yoja

East, North:360379, 4795172 (nearby)
Coordinate Quality:Map (yellow map)
Long, Lat:-4.7212465453539, 43.296402158354 (map)
Elevation (m):811
Length (m):35
Depth (m):-99
Active Lead:
Survey Available:


In the woods above Oceno, 15 minutes walk from Torca Juanin


Small entrance, virutally impossible to find without locals help


A narrow passage is 8m long to the first pitch. 21m pitch, narrow at the top, opens into a large rift. At the botton the way on is to the left by ascending boulder slope to 6m climb up (awkward). The passage then dropws down over loose boulders to a climb down in a 3m slot, to a short length of horizontal passage.

The cave becomes decorated at this point, mainly with very old formations, but with an impressive collection of helictites at the head of the next 5m climb down. The climb leads to an impressive chamber.

The chamber is entered at it's highest point and descends steeply to a pitch. A 16m handline can be used to descend the first section down a muddy flowstone slope between large bosses. A further shot climb leads ot the 2nd 10m pitch.

At the bottom there are two ways on. Right leads to the bottom of the chamber, past a blind hole to a 15m pitch. At the bottom is a further drop of 2m into small chamber, floored with mud (good dig) Back at the bottom of the pitch, the other route is a superbly decorated passage with a crystal floor. At the end a narrow rift bisects the chambers and gives a 38m pitch to a small stream sinking in a n impenetrable slot. There is no way on

At the end of the decorated passage there is a 7m climb up to another large chamber. A narrow slot to the right drops into a standing pool. The chamber is steeply sloping flowstone and at the top large avens are visible. There is one possible way on from the chamber, but it is an exposed climb in the roof back across the passage below


KCG (1976-1977)


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