Tresviso Caves Project

Tresviso Caves Project Gazetter

MA1: Torca de la Canal del Valle

East, North:364699, 4785858 (nearby)
Coordinate Quality:GPS
Long, Lat:-4.6657248747282, 43.213355726192 (map)
Elevation (m):1650
Length (m):200
Depth (m):-394
Active Lead:
Survey Available:


From Bejes, take the road to Doblillo and then to place known La Jaya. Ascend by the road to the mines of Aurora.


The entrance is entered by a meander crack of 6 m


6m climb to a short meander then P8 with good dimensions. At the bottom is a comfortable meander (1 m) to small chamber.Passage narrows and SRT kit needs to be removed before second narrow section
Further meanders, climbing and a P35 leads to the River Room which continues to a further P25. From here the cave continues in similar fashion with ramps, pitches and meanders. At the end another P25 leads to a widening in the meander and descends to a boulder choked chamber, from the floor of which the water emerges.
There is a possibility of continuation?


I.T.T.F. "Memoria Bejes 2004". Tracalet-Flash-Telecart. I.T.T.F. "Memoria de Expediciones Vega de Andara 2007". Tracalet-Flash-Telecart. I.T.T.F. "Memoria de Expediciones Vega de Andara 2008". Tracalet-Flash-Telecart. I.T.T.F. Campana espeleologica Beges-09. Memoria.". Tracalet-Flash-Telecart.


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