Tresviso Caves Project

Tresviso Caves Project Gazetter

B20: Cueva del Molino Canal

(Mill / Grinder, T1 (ENEOJE))

East, North:366613, 4788110 (nearby)
Coordinate Quality:GPS
Long, Lat:-4.6427150199571, 43.233966960605 (map)
Elevation (m):662
Length (m):2672
Depth (m):79
Active Lead:
Survey Available:


Walking from La Aldea carpark, it is a 1km walk, approx 15 minutes along a clearly defined track.

Go down to the obvious bridge over the Rio Corvera, and stay on the left hand side of the river and follow the track, eentualy passing an obvious river crossing, down on the right. Continue for another 50m and the cave is immediately obvious where water pipes (feeding Bejes) are visible


Approx. 1m wide by 1.5 wide entrance, with pipes emerging.


The entrance is a tube, which acts as a flood overflow. After about 8m is a small lake that supplies water to Bejes. To the right is a waterfall of about 3m to access the cave.

After a hundred meters of meanders, there is a 18m waterfall that must be scaled (handline) to another meander. The passage eventually reaches a pot which is best accessed by climbing in the meander a little way back.

The meander narrows at the Paso del Egipcio leading to 60m of more meander to a window on the right that leads to old fossil galleries.

Following the river for another 200m in the meander reaches the sump, Terminal 86

The fossil galleries lead to a 2m narrow step into the Intermediate Galleries, the first on the left after about 70m drops back to the stream. The one on the right ends after a few meters.

The second passage on the left leads for a further 50m and drops back to the original fossil level. Continuing over the passage leads to a junction. Following the gallery on the left and after descending a steep ramp, the streamway is rejoined,most likely the other side of Terminal 86 sump. Only a few meters further in the steam reaches another sump. On the left of the sump is a ramp to a muddy tube, followed by a boulder choke. A tube leads back to the ramp and the streamway.

From the muddy tube continuing in the direction of the river passes a boulder collapse before rejoining the river. A sump is encountered soon after. A hole on the right leads to 200m of passage.

Taking right had passage back at the junction, another junction is reached. One route closing down quickly. The left route leads for 50m to a large waterfall. This can be passed lower down to 500m of passage ending in a boulder choke. There are several inlets in the area


AD KAMI, E.P.E. Espelunca, S.E.O.J.E. Valencia, S.E.O.J.E. Le'n
ENE OJE. (1989). "Memoria de las exploraciones en la zona de Bejes. Anos 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988". Pp.49-52.
I.E.O.J.E. (1994). "Memoria de la Campana Espeleol'gica Bejes-93".
Anon.. (1995). "Resumen de las actividades de las federaciones. Federaci'n Madrilea". Anuario-FEE:1994-78.
I.E.O.J.E. (1996). "Memoria de actividades. Campana 1966, Bejes, Cantabria".
I.K.T.F. "Memoria 97 Bejes (Cantabria)".
Skorupka 2007?


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