Tresviso Caves Project

Tresviso Caves Project Gazetter


East, North:363068, 4785437 (nearby)
Coordinate Quality:GPS
Long, Lat:-4.6856916629323, 43.209272233055 (map)
Elevation (m):2160
Length (m):240
Depth (m):-225
Active Lead:
Survey Available:


Eastern slope of Pico Samelar, near the summit


A cicular entrance shaft of 4m diameter immediately onto P30


Circular entrance (4m diameter) leads immediately on to P30 that is blind. Half way down the P30 is a pendulum to a P68, which is quite spacious.
The P68 leads to a a series of ramps and pitches (P11, P10, P10, P10, P30) that spiral down to -178m. An up pitch of 15m leads to a down pitch of 15m?
This leads to a series of tight meanders, that must be negotiated by climbing up and down, until a ramp of 8m into a boulder choke is found. This is followed by a pitch of 12m, on one side is a narrow pitch to a meander. (approx. -190m)
A C7 and P6 at the bottom of which is a loose steep ramp to a small pool of 5m. A small chamber leads to another meander that becomes too tight at -224.8m


A.D.KAMI (1994). Campana Samelar 93". Memoria. A.D.KAMI. (1995) Memorias Beges 1995
Anon.. (1994). "Resumen de las actividades de las Federaciones.Federaci'n Madrileña". Anuario FEE-1993:82-84.
A.D.KAMI-I.E.O.J.E. (1995). Campana Espeleol'gica Samelar 94". Informe inédito.
A.D.KAMI. (1995). "Memoria de actividades Campaña 1995 Bejes (Cantabria)". Informe inédito.
Interclub Kami Tracalet, Flash (1997). "Memoria '97 Bejes (Cantabria)". Memoria para la F.E.E. y F.C.E..


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