Tresviso Caves Project

Tresviso Caves Project Gazetter

SN-2 : Torca Topinoria


East, North:363063, 4786651 (nearby)
Coordinate Quality:GPS
Long, Lat:-4.6860542892018, 43.22019851374 (map)
Elevation (m):1636
Length (m):0
Depth (m):-250
Active Lead:
Survey Available:


Starting from Bejes, ascend the miners track and past El Dobillo, towards Mancondiu. After the Concha Valera, turn left uphill in the direction of the Canto Los Pejos

ESP 2022
Cavity located on the northern slopes of Samelar, in the area de-nominated as slopes of La Topinoria. It is accessed from Bejes, along the path to Las Vegas de Ándara until reaching the Concha Valera. from this area starts an ascending path towards a grassy area. In this pasture area, on a slope, is the entrance


Entrance is a crack 5m x 1m split in the middle by a rock bridge.


The cave has an entrance in the form of a crack, about 10 m long by 1.5-2 m width that leads to a 100m winding pitch until it reaches a ledge. From here climb to a parallel pitch and continue descent.
Continuing from a ledge the main pitch is accessed via ledges with many loose stones to a more vertical section with better rock until the base of the pitch.
From the bottom, one way gives access to a mud chamber (Sala de Barro), and at the opposite end a short passage reaches a ramp down to a short wet pitch. The bottom contains a lake with sediment at the bottom.
There is a window giving access to a ramp with stalagmites followed by a P45. The pitch is large and enters a spectacular chamber (80m x 40m x 45m), which is covered by stalagmites and calcite. The room slopes gently and has 2 large gour pools and many columns. It has at least two window / climbs in the roof. At the lowest point a second gour / pool leads to window giving access to another smaller chamber. On one side there is an upwards ramp that does not continue Near the start of the chamber (behind entry point) a further P12 enters a meander that quickly becomes impenetrable


A.D.KAMI. (1994). Campana Samelar 93". Memoria
Anon. (1994). "Resumen de las actividades de las Federaciones. Federacion Madrilena"
A.D.KAMI-I.E.O.J.E. (1995). Campana Espeleol'gica Samelar 94" I.K.T.F (2017-2023)


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