Tresviso Caves Project

Tresviso Caves Project Gazetter


Area:Hoya Evangelista
East, North:359042, 4783464 (nearby)
Coordinate Quality:Map (yellow map)
Long, Lat:-4.7347281586099, 43.190772831547 (map)
Elevation (m):2200
Length (m):0
Depth (m):-15
Active Lead:
Survey Available:


A track runs between Pico el Grajal (overlooking the Vegas de Andara (SARA Depression) from the west) and the cliff line to the west of the peak. Take this clear track and follow it to the col with a startling view down to Potes. The track then descends before climbing onto the E-W ridge overlooking the Pozo de Andara (Lake Depression) . It follows the ridge before levelling and going southwards across a grassy area. The track finally turns west and descends the rubble through the narrow gap between the two cliffs to the collapse area and roof e section blasted from the cliff face. Cross the snow covered section of track (with care) and 100m further on leave it and walk for 50m down to the easterly snow slope in the depression. The depression is approximately 300m long; lies between Lechugales, Evangelists and Arce peaks; faces S.E. and is at a height of 2,200m.


15m west of T71.A in a large shakehole is a low entrance.


This leads to a 15m slide down a rubble slope, a squeeze and a chamber with choke.


L.U.S.S. (1979)


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