Tag: andara

Dunkemon says..

Bye! Thanks for a great expedition, hope the remaining few days crack Agua wide open! See you all soon at Eurospeleo /BPC /SWCC/ Mendips!

Cueva del Marniosa – Upstream

Just up valley from Agua is Cueva del Marniosa, a 4k + system that is probably hydrologically connected (although never proven) to Agua. A number of pitches and decorated chambers lead to the main streamway. Plans had been made this year to dive the downstream sump (approx. 20m long) with a view to look at…
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Pozo Castillo

One of the secondary objectives of the expedition is to revisit the Pozo Del Castillo cave on the Andara mountain range.  This cave, and a number of interconnected caves and mines were explored initially by the French Les Speleois Dromis (LSD) club in in the early 1980’s.  The written report at the time talked of…
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Tresviso 2016 expedition begins

Overview & brief history:  The Picos de Europa is a range of mountains 20km inland from the northern coast of Spain, forming part of the Cantabrian Mountains.  It consists of three main areas, the Central, Eastern and Western Massifs.  It was the Eastern Massif that drew the attention of Lancaster University Speleological Society (LUSS) in…
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T69 Breakthrough

o to T69 to try and get through before end of expedition to create a tantalising lead for next time. At the crossroads Duncan headed off to Bromista to retrieve rope left at the cave, with the intention of meeting us later at T69. Very hot weather of the past 2 days but the walk…
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The Big Kahuna

Day One So the day dawned where we had to put our money where our mouth was and actually dive this sump and get back in one piece. madPhil, Matt, Martin T and Dave set off early with the plan to go the Death Race 2000 aven to ready things for climbing. MadPhil and Dave…
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Cueva del Nacimiento (3)

Cueva del Nacimiento (Camp – Day 1) Last night the bulk of people arrived. Martin T, Anthony and Simon arrived in the afternoon after a fast non-stop drive down through France. Alan, Duncan and Matt arrived a few hours later. Just as well, doubts had begin to set in as to whether we could get…
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Cueva del Nacimiento (2)

A relatively easy day ferrying camping gear to Boulder Hall ready for a full on 2 days of misery in the cave. Made the stupid mistake of unpacking my camping gear that I spent hours carefully packing back at home. Took me ages to repack and meant I got down the hill late. Soon caught…
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Cueva del Nacimiento

First big day trip into Nacimiento. Tentative plan was to get to the upstream sump so Martin could scope it out. Early start at 8 and down to the cave for around 9ish. Various combinations of bags between us, with Martin carrying in some more oxygen cylinders. Water levels normal and fairly quick progress was…
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T69 A part rest day prior to a big equipment carry tomorrow. A short trip to my favourite named cave, T69. Still unfinished after the last couple of years, we keep coming back to 69 as a possible quick route into the back end of Nacimiento. The current limit is a false floor of mud…
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