In 2011 there were three main expeditions to the area; Tresviso 2011, by SWCC, was the start of exploring old leads in Cueva del Nacimiento. Campana Bejes was continued by the Spanish ‘Interclub’ and S.E.B.Escar continued exploration work in Invernales de Caballar (Asturias).
Tresviso 2011 (SWCC)
Building on some small scale expeditions over the past couple of years the 2011 trip re-explored the major resurgence cave of the Eastern Massif area, resurveying and re-rigging with a long-term goal of enabling continued exploration of the cave and the area over the next few years.
A number of other sites were visited, all part of the wider work being undertaken and a number of successes were achieved.
The main objective of the 2011 expedition was to reach the Teeth of Satan climbs at the back end of Cueva del Nacimiento and investigate the leads left by the earlier expeditions.
The re-rigging of Nacimiento took much longer than expecting, largely down to reduced manpower and it took 4 trips to rig the cave and set up an underground camp to support the climbs.
The first objective of the climbs was the Wet Aven, approximately 50m up the first ramp. Although this was reached easily, the amount of water and the technical difficulty of bolting the aven up, meant it was deferred as the first objective and the team continued up the ramps, following the draft.
The climbs proved difficult in places (a testament to the previous explorers) and it took a lot longer than expected to climb the more tricky ones. It soon became obvious that the 1986/87 surveys were not entirely accurate. Although a lot of in-situ rope and other signs were encountered, indicating the correct route was being followed; the route and descriptions did not match what was being discovered. For this reason a re-survey was undertaken
As time began to run short, it was agreed to continue to follow the draft and investigate the avens in the Death Race 2000 chamber. This was the furthest and highest point of the known cave. On the last planned day in Nacimiento, the chamber was reached. It was as impressive as described, being approx. 40m across, full of huge boulders and 2 avens entering over the deepest part. It appears that the draft may come down one of these avens and the consensus was that the avens were scalable.
The cave has been left rigged, with the exception of 3 down pitches, so that next year the team can reach the backend in a day and start immediately on the Death Race 2000 avens.
In addition a new line survey to the backend was completed and around 100m of new passage discovered near the entrance series.
On the Sierra del Corta and Valdelafuente regions a number of old and new caves were pushed and explored with a number of locations ideal for a potential quick route into the end of Nacimiento.
Work also continued on logging old and new sites for inclusion in a new database of the various sites in the area.
Name | Club | Nationality | Year | ExpedName |
Adam Tomlinson | Harper Adams University | UK | 2011 | Tresviso 2011 |
Alan Braybrooke | South Wales Caving Club | UK | 2011 | Tresviso 2011 |
Alex Slater | Nottingham University Caving Club | UK | 2011 | Tresviso 2011 |
Colin Boothroyd | Lancaster University Speleological Society | UK | 2011 | Tresviso 2011 |
Derek Cousins | Lancaster University Speleological Society | UK | 2011 | Tresviso 2011 |
Dickon Morris | Bristol Exploration Club | UK | 2011 | Tresviso 2011 |
Duncan Hornby | South Wales Caving Club | UK | 2011 | Tresviso 2011 |
James Collings | Wessex Cave Club | UK | 2011 | Tresviso 2011 |
Martin Trerise | Nottingham University Caving Club | UK | 2011 | Tresviso 2011 |
Maxine Bateman | Wessex Cave Club | UK | 2011 | Tresviso 2011 |
Peter Lewis | Harper Adams University | UK | 2011 | Tresviso 2011 |
Phil Rowsell | Bristol Exploration Club | UK | 2011 | Tresviso 2011 |
Phil Stringfellow | Nottingham University Caving Club | UK | 2011 | Tresviso 2011 |
Phil Walker | South Wales Caving Club | UK | 2011 | Tresviso 2011 |
Simon Woolhead | Nottingham University Caving Club | UK | 2011 | Tresviso 2011 |
Thanks also due to Dave Checkley, Carolyn Ginnevar, Howard Jones, Roddy McLaughlin, Jim Thomson and Julian Walker
Documents & Links
Campana Bejes 2011 (AD KAMI)
A continuation of the exploration of CS9 Torca Jou Sin Tierre
- Continued exploration of CS-9 Torca Jou Sin Tierre to -1000m
Name | Club | Nationality | Year | ExpedName |
Alfredo Moreno Rioja | Asociación Deportiva KAMI | ES | 2011 | Campana Bejes 2011 |
Antonio Cordero García | Asociación Deportiva KAMI | ES | 2011 | Campana Bejes 2011 |
Belén Pérez Pérez | Asociación Deportiva KAMI | ES | 2011 | Campana Bejes 2011 |
Daniel García García | Asociación Deportiva KAMI | ES | 2011 | Campana Bejes 2011 |
Fernando de la Fuente Moreno | Asociación Deportiva KAMI | ES | 2011 | Campana Bejes 2011 |
Francisco Bueno Dominguex | Asociación Deportiva KAMI | ES | 2011 | Campana Bejes 2011 |
Francisco Torrejón León | Asociación Deportiva KAMI | ES | 2011 | Campana Bejes 2011 |
Guillermo Posada Albarrán | Asociación Deportiva KAMI | ES | 2011 | Campana Bejes 2011 |
Gustavo Recio Isasi | Asociación Deportiva KAMI | ES | 2011 | Campana Bejes 2011 |
Jairo Salvador Reina Quintana | Asociación Deportiva KAMI | ES | 2011 | Campana Bejes 2011 |
Javier Gutierrez Nevado | Asociación Deportiva KAMI | ES | 2011 | Campana Bejes 2011 |
José Alberto Castellanos Alavedra | GE Flash | ES | 2011 | Campana Bejes 2011 |
José Fernando Asins Martín | Asociación Deportiva KAMI | ES | 2011 | Campana Bejes 2011 |
Jose Miguel Martinez Lafuente | Asociación Deportiva KAMI | ES | 2011 | Campana Bejes 2011 |
Luis Diez Blanco | Asociación Deportiva KAMI | ES | 2011 | Campana Bejes 2011 |
Luis Millana Cuevas | Asociación Deportiva KAMI | ES | 2011 | Campana Bejes 2011 |
Raul Castilla Vela | Asociación Deportiva KAMI | ES | 2011 | Campana Bejes 2011 |
Unai Bernaloa Gutierrez | Asociación Deportiva KAMI | ES | 2011 | Campana Bejes 2011 |
Urtzi Artiagorita Ruiz | Asociación Deportiva KAMI | ES | 2011 | Campana Bejes 2011 |
Documents & Links
Bejes 2011 (GE Flash, CDE Tracalet & Telacart)
Exploration in Vaho de Los Lobos
- Over 70 sites identified on Vaho de Los Lobos
Name | Club | Nationality | Year | ExpedName |
Adolfo Molina López | GE Flash | ES | 2011 | Bejes-2011 |
Arturo Prieto Lopez | Telacart | ES | 2011 | Bejes-2011 |
Inmaculada Marugán Guzmán | GE Flash | ES | 2011 | Bejes-2011 |
Jose Javier Ortega Casero | GE Flash | ES | 2011 | Bejes-2011 |
José Luis Izquierdo Moreno | GE FLASH | ES | 2011 | Bejes-2011 |
José Mª del Río Garcia | Telacart | ES | 2011 | Bejes-2011 |
Juan Alberto Martín Otero | GE Flash | ES | 2011 | Bejes-2011 |
Juan Bueno Gabaldon | GE Flash | ES | 2011 | Bejes-2011 |
Raimon Garcia Domingo | Telacart | ES | 2011 | Bejes-2011 |
Vicente Martínez Montalar | Tracalet | ES | 2011 | Bejes-2011 |
Victor Pardo Carbonell | Tracalet | ES | 2011 | Bejes-2011 |
Documents & Links
La Caballar 2011 (SEB Escar)
Continued re-exploration of Torca La Barga and other caves in the Invernales de Caballar region, to try and understand the hydrological relationship to either the Duje Valley or Cueva del Nacimiento.
- Torca La Barga continued to be re-rigged
Name | Club | Nationality | Year | ExpedName |
Carlos Santos Sánchez | Sociedad Espeleológica y Barranquista ESCAR | ES | 2011 | Caballar 2011 |
Darío Alaiz Rodríguez | Sociedad Espeleológica y Barranquista ESCAR | ES | 2011 | Caballar 2011 |
Ernesto Carrera Calleja | Sociedad Espeleológica y Barranquista ESCAR | ES | 2011 | Caballar 2011 |
Gonzalo Sánchez Herrero | Sociedad Espeleológica y Barranquista ESCAR | ES | 2011 | Caballar 2011 |
Israel (Isi) Sánchez Sánche | Sociedad Espeleológica y Barranquista ESCAR | ES | 2011 | Caballar 2011 |
Javier Gil Terrón | Sociedad Espeleológica y Barranquista ESCAR | ES | 2011 | Caballar 2011 |
Juan Carlos (Río) Riobello Amador | Sociedad Espeleológica y Barranquista ESCAR | ES | 2011 | Caballar 2011 |
María Herrera Muñozo | Sociedad Espeleológica y Barranquista ESCAR | ES | 2011 | Caballar 2011 |
Nacho Montero García-San Miguel | Sociedad Espeleológica y Barranquista ESCAR | ES | 2011 | Caballar 2011 |
Pablo Solares Villar | Sociedad Espeleológica y Barranquista ESCAR | ES | 2011 | Caballar 2011 |
Victor Sánchez | Sociedad Espeleológica y Barranquista ESCAR | ES | 2011 | Caballar 2011 |