Eastern Massif, Picos de Europa, Northern Spain

In 2017 the Tresviso Caves Project continued exploration in Cueva del Nacimiento ,the Spanish Interclub collaboration of GE FLASH and Tracalet continued work around Samelar and Vao de Los Lobos

The Club d’Espeleologia l’Avern Ontinyent continued exploration around the Portudera area (Asturias)

Tresviso 2017 (TCP)


The 2017 expedition was undertaken with collaboration between a number of UK based caving clubs and the Spanish AD KAMI club, under the name of the Tresviso Caves Project.

As per previous years the majority of work was concentrated on the resurgence cave of Cueva del Nacimiento, a 12km+ cave system with a height gain of over 535m from the entrance. The catchment of this cave totals 37 km2 and, if linked with known cave systems high in the Eastern Massif, would create a potential 1500m+ deep underground traverse.

The main effort in 2017 was to continue work in the furthest reaches of the cave, around the areas known as Death Race 2000, Die Hard and Jurassic World. A series of steep ramps lead to the highest known points in the cave and a number of leads were investigated at these highest points.


The 2017 expedition has continued to build on the successes of previous trips advancing exploration in line with objectives and discovering over 2km of new cave and a number of new leads.

Cueva del Nacimiento
Over 770m of new passage was discovered and surveyed in Cueva del Nacimiento with a number of new leads identified. Exploration in the far reaches was hugely eased by the set-up of a permanent camp in Death Race 2000, during a May recce trip. Thanks to the May trip, this camp remains relatively well stocked. Complex route finding throughout the cave remains an issue.

Terror Firma
This aven was climbed for over 40m and is now the highest point in the cave at +535m above the entrance. A number of leads still remain and this area continues to be the most promising for further discoveries leading into the mountain toward the deeper vertical caves. Terror Firma is only 40m vertically and 200m horizontally from some parts of the surface in the Sierra del a Corta region, so renewed effort on the surface here may provide a middle entrance into the system.

Sistema Castillo
The expedition concentrated mainly on seeking a route past the blockage in Pozo Castillo. This still remains elusive but over 600m of previously unsurveyed cave was added to the survey.

Pozo del Castillo
Pozo del Castillo remains a cave with huge potential but the main way remains impassable since the 1980’s. FT16, FT17 and Segura 1 have been relocated, explored and surveyed in an attempt to piece together the wider picture of the system. This will continue to be an ongoing objective of future expeditions.
Cueva de la Marniosa
The passing of Sump 2 was a major achievement of the expedition. The difficulty of the cave beyond Sump 1 had always been a daunting challenge, but with the small size of Sump 2 now revealed, the ease of getting more ‘dry’ cavers in to support divers beyond Sump 2 becomes a possibility.


Fernando de la Fuente MorenoAsociación Deportiva KAMIES2017Tresviso 2017
Alex HannamCardiff Hill DiversUK2017Tresviso 2017
Arwel RobertsSouth Bristol Speleological SocietyUK2017Tresviso 2017
Bob ClaySouth Bristol Speleological SocietyUK2017Tresviso 2017
Chris JonesCardiff Hill DiversUK2017Tresviso 2017
Dan WorkmanBradford Pothole ClubUK2017Tresviso 2017
Dave PowleslandCardiff Hill DiversUK2017Tresviso 2017
Derek CousinsLancaster University Speleological SocietyUK2017Tresviso 2017
Emma BattensbyBradford Pothole ClubUK2017Tresviso 2017
Gareth DaviesCardiff Hill DiversUK2017Tresviso 2017
Hannah MoultonBradford Pothole ClubUK2017Tresviso 2017
Josh BratchleyBristol Exploration ClubUK2017Tresviso 2017
Michael YoungBradford Pothole ClubUK2017Tresviso 2017
Phil WalkerBradford Pothole ClubUK2017Tresviso 2017
Sam DeeleyBradford Pothole ClubUK2017Tresviso 2017
Thomas LiaBradford Pothole ClubUK2017Tresviso 2017

Documents & Links


BPC Bulletin Vol 7 No 7 21 MB 50 downloads

Summary of Tresviso 2017-2019 ...

Tresviso 2017 20mb 67 downloads


    Campana Bejes 2017 (AD KAMI)


    As part of the Tresviso Caves Project


    As part of the Tresviso Caves Project


    As part of the Tresviso Caves Project

    Documents & Links


    Memorias 2017 12 MB 34 downloads


      Bejes 2017 (G.E.FLASH & Tracalet)


      Plan to explore Samelar area, including Topinoria and Branarredonda


      SN-6 Torca de Concha Valera explored to approx. -225m


      AnnaTracaletES2017Bejes 2017
      JorgeGE FlashES2017Bejes 2017
      JosaGE FlashES2017Bejes 2017
      Juan (Box)GE FlashES2017Bejes 2017
      Juan (Juanillo)GE FlashES2017Bejes 2017
      MiguelGE FlashES2017Bejes 2017
      PacoTracaletES2017Bejes 2017

      Documents & Links


      Bejes 2017 8.6 MB KB 17 downloads

      CDE Tracalet & GE Flash ...

        Portudera 2017 (Club d’Espeleologia l’Avern)


        Since 2016 Club d’Espeleologia l’Avern de Ontinyent (Valencia) have been exploring the area of Portudera in the Eastern Massif. The project aims to catalogue and explore the caves in this area


        Multiple sites located and explored, exploration ongoing


        Vicent SanchezClub d'Espeleologia l'Avern OntinyentES2017Portudera 2017
        Rebeca DiazClub d'Espeleologia l'Avern OntinyentES2017Portudera 2017

        Documents & Links


        Memorias Portudera 2017 0.00 KB 22 downloads
