Month: September 2019

Eastern Massif, Picos de Europa, Northern Spain

2019 Summary

A distinct lack of enthusiasm from people for writing up the expedition….. A post trip summary follows: The Tresviso expedition returned back to the UK last week and the following is a brief summary: Cueva del Nacimiento – Parting Friends In the entrance series of Nacimiento is an area called the Road to Wigan Pier…
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Cueva de la Marniosa In the early 1970’s a group of students from Lancaster University Speleological Society (LUSS) touring Northern Spain heard about some caves near Tresviso, Eastern Picos de Europa.  In 1975, their first year visiting caves of Tresviso, they explored upstream, into the Sobra valley and found a crack in the side of…
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The times they are a changin’

by Howard Jones Brief history In the 1970’s LUSS were caving in Northern Spain, inland from Santander. They learned about a village where cheese was made and matured in caves. Nearby a resurgence cave fed a hydroelectricity scheme. Add in some high mountains in the vicinity and it was Xmas for cave explorers. Tresviso was…
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