Tresviso 2018

Eastern Massif, Picos de Europa, Northern Spain

Tresviso 2018

Expedition Dates

  • 1st September to 15th September 2018 – main expedition dates


The expedition has a number of goals.  The following are a few primary objectives:

Cueva del Nacimiento

  • Jurassic World – Terror Firma – multiple avens and climbs,
  • Pina Colada Bypass – a 3-10m rift leads off from the Pina Colada sump.
  • Joe’s Crack – un-descended shaft behind Death Race camp.
  • Teeth of Satan – Wet Aven – +30m aven with draft and calcite squeeze, requires enlarging.
  • Dan’s Big Room – unexplored section of maze in area of Dan’s Big Room and Winter Gardens
  • Parting Friends – a dive of the Parting Friends sump is planned.

Cueva de la Marniosa

  • Beyond Sump 2 – a dive of sump 2 and exploration beyond is planned

Pico Boro (SUSS)

SUSS are also involved and will take on responsibility for exploring either  Flowerpot on the Pico Boro area.

  • FlowerPot – re-rigging and exploration of leads
  • Surface sweep and logging of entrances in Sara Depression (around camp)
  • Surface sweep and logging of entrances in Pico Boro area


Secondary Objectives:

Time and resources permitting there are a number of secondary objectives that will be attempted:

Sistema Castillo

A large mine and natural cave complex in the Minas de Mazarrasa area.  Pozo del Castillo series was explored to -292m depth in 1983, with either a howling draft or roaring waterfall beyond a constriction at the limit.  The potential of the cave is significant but currently a collapse prevents getting to the end. Pozo Natacha series ends at -309m depth and is close to the same point in Castillo.

  • Pozo Del Castillo shoring and bypass of rock collapse Castillo remains a major lead, if we can get past the blockage!
  • Pozo del Castillo – other entrances. FT16 entrance snow plug would appear to be the same blockage in lower Castillo passage.  Snow plugs are reported further into the cave, so another entrance must exist!
  • Pozo del Castillo – surveying of Natacha upper series and locating possible surface entrance,
  • Pozo del Castillo Natacha 1983 series. Attempt to get small, skinny person through current limit, otherwise derig and survey.

Valdelafuente / Sobra Valley

  • Re-locate draughting surface entrance on Valdelafuente, close to 80m aven beyond Sump 1 in Cueva del Marniosa,
  • T20 (Sobra Valley) – sandstone sink above Hall of the Mountain King in Cueva del Marniosa,
  • Yorkshire Inlet in Cueva del Marniosa. Exploration of col above aven (also close to T20),
  • Upstream series in Cueva del Marniosa. Large black voids above the streamway,  if leads head to the South this is up the Valdelafuente

Sierra del a Corta

Above the furthest reaches in Nacimiento is the Sierra del Corta.  A heavily wooded area with a number of promising leads, that could potentially drop into Nacimiento and provide an easier route into the back-end to aid exploration at the far reaches.

  • T554large 100m shaft on the Sierra del a Corta, this requires some digging at the bottom,
  • Al2a drafting shaft not yet bottomed.  Jurassic World in Nacimiento appears to be heading directly towards this site,
  • T294 Oh What Pot (La Gobia) – continuing passage,
  • Surface prospecting close to vicinity of Terror Firma in NacimientoTerror Firma is only 40m vertically and 200m horizontally from some parts of the surface in the Sierra del a Corta region.


  • Locate and survey General This may be another way into T87 Mazarrasa, bypassing entrance collapse. (most likely T88 Suerte or T89.  T88 draughts strongly at junction inside)
  • Locate and descend FT43, this draughts strongly. It is almost directly above Boulder Chamber in T87 Mazarrasa and would provide bypass to collapse at T87 entrance.
  • Surveying of Nacimiento top entrance series. There are a number of unsurveyed and minor leads in the area,
  • Prospecting on Hoyo Oscuro and Hoyo Evangalista. Highest entrances on the mountain range.
  • Mine 2.32a – there is large unexplored level (with tram lines) leading to unexplored passage.