Monday 1st May 2017
The Death Race Camp is now ready for the July expedition, the first group to arrive should be able to cave in with minimal equipment and get cracking on the leads at the back end. Successful trip
The Death Race Camp is now ready for the July expedition, the first group to arrive should be able to cave in with minimal equipment and get cracking on the leads at the back end. Successful trip
A surprisingly comfortable nights sleep was had by everyone, the new sleeping bags, although cheap, proving to work quite well. The temperature of the chamber was around 7 degrees all night, which helps. A lot warmer than other camps in the cave. Over muesli some debate was had on whether to explore a bit of…
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A leisurely morning was spent packing, avoiding leaving and, for some, three breakfasts. Eventually everything was packed and excuses had run out. The 500m descent down the gorge was its usual enjoyable self but due to the time of year a lot less tree cover, meaning we could see a lot more of the cliff…
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After a 30hr or so trip to deathrace we’ve stocked camp with enough gear for 5 persons and approx 50man days worth of wet rations and camp gear. Come July all that will be needed is exploration and personnal gear. A good trip without incident save a few navigational errors and out just in time…
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