
Eastern Massif, Picos de Europa, Northern Spain

The following surveys are available from the expedition. Surveys from older expeditions are in the process of being redrawn with modern software and will be made available once complete.

Surveys by clubs, not currently involved in the Tresviso Caves Project, are also included in either their original form or as revised drawings by the expedition. Permission to reproduce has been sought, where possible, but a number of the original clubs no longer exist. Please contact the expedition with any concerns or more surveys to contribute!

All of the following surveys are released under a  Creative Commons license.


No downloads found!

    Sobra Valley

    No downloads found!

      Pico Boro

      No downloads found!


        No downloads found!

          Sierra del a Corta

          No downloads found!

            Cueto de los Senderos

            No downloads found!

              Vegas de Andara (the Sara Depression)

              No downloads found!

                Hoyo Oscuro

                No downloads found!

                  San Carlos

                  No downloads found!

                    Minas de Mazarrasa (and the Lake Depression)


                    Sistema Ramazosa (Elevation) 201 KB 81 downloads


                    Sistema Ramazosa (Plan) 280 KB 75 downloads


                    Mine 42 111 KB 2 downloads


                    Mine 41 119 KB 2 downloads

                    possibly same as Blenda II …

                    FT14 Pozo del Hasta Luego 199 KB 2 downloads

                    Part of Sistema Castillo …

                    RCA22 139 KB 3 downloads


                    No downloads found!


                      No downloads found!

                        Vao de Los Lobos

                        No downloads found!

                          Invernales de Caballar (Asturias)

                          No downloads found!


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                              The following surveys relate to caves not in the immediate area of exploration but maybe of interest in a wider context, especially as some are resurgences for areas ‘close’ to Tresviso.

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