
Eastern Massif, Picos de Europa, Northern Spain

This page details the major reports on exploration in the Eastern Massif area. The list is not exhaustive and is constantly being updated as documents become available in digital format.

Note: the reports are compressed due to size limitations and this may effect the quality of surveys and pictures. High resolution versions are available, contact the expedition for more information.

Tresviso Caves Project (2015-present)

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    Interclub (GE FLASH – Tracalet) (2014-present)

    No downloads found!

      Club d’Espeleologia l’Avern – Portudera (2017-present)

      No downloads found!

        Interclub (AD KAMI) (1992-present)


        Memorias 1999 924 KB 12 downloads


        Memorias 1998 5 MB 9 downloads


        Memorias 1997 7 MB 7 downloads


        Memorias 1996 100 KB 8 downloads


        Memorias 1995 24.00 KB 0 downloads

        no publication produced? …

        South Wales Caving Club (1987-1987, 1995, 2005-2014)

        No downloads found!

          Lancaster University Speleological Society (1974-1996)

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            Verbond van Vlaamse Speleologen (1986-1987, 1991)

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              Les Speleos Dromois (1981)

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                Mendip Caving Group (1996)

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                  Reading University Caving Club & Kingswood Caving Group (1972 – 1977)

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                    Sheffield University Speleological Society (1975, 1977)

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                      SEB Escar (2010-2011)

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