.: Expeditions

The following page gives a brief overview of the SWCC expeditions. Full details are available in the downloadable reports.


Reports are in pdf format. (Download Adobe Reader).

2013 Expedition

Member: Phil Walker (Leader), Alan Braybrooke (Leader), Toby Dryden, Chris Jones (CUCC), Amy Nixon (CUCC), DAvid Powlesland (CUCC), Tom Eiliot (WCC), Lucy Greenwood (WCC), Andy Lewington (GCC).

Summary: Tiger Cave extended, with discovery of the Growler. Bladen Nature Reserve recce, So Sil Ha discovered, Yax Ta Ha small extension


Belize 2013.pdf

Video The Growler (YouTube)

2010 Expedition

Members: Phil Walker (Leader), Alan Braybrooke (Leader), Toby Dryden, Nicky Bayley, Brendan Marris, Maxine Bateman, Clair Sansom, Russ Brooks (BPC), Rich Hudson (BPC).
Summary: Pueblo Creek pushed to within 380m of Ochochpec cave. 2nd entrance to Tiger Cave discovered and a possible paralllel streamway.

Belize 2010.pdf, (1.8mb)

SWCC Belize 'Bitten by a Bug' web report,

Brendan's Blog report and photos

Nicky's 2010 videos: part 1, part 2

Nicky's 2008 videos: here


2008 Expedition

Members: Alan Braybrooke (Leader), Phil Walker, Gary Evans, Toby Dryden, Nicky Bayley, Brendan Marris, Paul Craddy, Russ Brooks (BPC), Rich Hudson (BPC), Andy Lewington (GCC).
Summary: Pueblo Creek explored to over 3km with ongoing leads. In Tiger Cave the ‘Roaring River’ is passed and explored for 500m with leads ongoing. Esperanza camp reached and various new leads identified.

Belize 2008.pdf (3.4mb),

SWCC 'Hot and Steamy in Belize' web report.


2006 Expedition

Members: Alan Braybrooke (Leader), Phil Walker, Gary Evans, Toby Dryden, Rhys Williams, Dominic Hyland, Dave Wiltshire
Summary: re-explored and surveyed Champon Cave, initial exploration of Pueblo Creek Cave; explored to a log jam with continuing passage beyond. Lagonita Cave discovered. First attempt to get to Central River sink at Esperanza Camp, an area of large karst features.

Belize 2006.pdf (2.2mb)


2004 Expedition (non-SWCC)

Members: Chris Jackson (Leader), Alan Braybrooke, Phil Walker, Mike Lomas, Glyn Every
Summary: based at the British Army (BATSUB) barracks, exploring several caves across the country.
Report(s): None available


2002 Expedition

Members: Alan Braybrooke (Leader), Toby Dryden, Gary Evans, Martin Hoff, John Roe
Summary: limited success due to effects of Hurricane Iris, which had devastated the area shortly after the 2001 trip.

Belize 2002.pdf (2.4mb),

SWCC Belize 2002 Web Report


2001 Expedition

Members: Alan Braybrooke (Leader), Phil Walker, Peter Francis.
Summary: First expedition. explored and surveyed several caves, between San Jose and San Pedro Columbia

Belize 2001.pdf (0.5mb)